Join the solar revolution with Instant Solar
Monday - Friday 7 AM - 5 PM



At Instant Solar, our unwavering commitment is to provide you with the highest level of service and support. While we strive for excellence in every interaction, we understand that there may be rare instances where we fall short of your expectations. In these moments, we are fully prepared to address any inconveniences and grievances swiftly and comprehensively.

Below, you'll find our proactive complaint handling form, designed to resolve outstanding issues with the utmost dedication to your satisfaction. Your feedback is not only welcomed but actively sought to help us continuously improve and ensure your experience with Instant Solar remains exceptional.

How to Make a Complaint:

If you encounter any issues or wish to file a complaint, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach our dedicated complaints team through the following channels:

Phone: 02 8605 8647
Online Form: We offer a convenient online complaint form below to streamline the process.

Lodge A Complaint

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